Residential Program

We provide a safe, structured environment for men and women to begin their recovery journey. Clients reside at the facility during treatment and receive access to 24/7 care and support from a team of experienced recovery professionals, including on-site medical staff.

Holistic Addiction Treatment

Treatment Designed to Heal the Mind, Body, and Spirit

No two people suffering from drug or alcohol addiction are exactly alike. Our treatment programs are customized to suit individual needs. Addiction is a complex and multifaceted condition influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. Understanding these factors is crucial for comprehensively addressing and treating addiction. Before being discharged, our clients will be introduced to the online-based Trac9 relapse prevention program and can continue using it for 12 months after discharge.

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blooming trees at Wooded Glen

About Residential Treatment

Residential Program for Drug Addiction

Residential programs for drug addiction, often known as inpatient or residential rehabilitation programs, provide comprehensive treatment and support for individuals struggling with substance abuse or addiction.

Our Indiana inpatient drug rehab program programs offer a structured and therapeutic environment where individuals live at a treatment facility for a specified period.

Residential Program for Alcohol Addiction

Residential programs for alcohol addiction, often referred to as inpatient or residential rehabilitation programs, are structured treatment settings where individuals with alcohol addiction live at a treatment facility for a specified period.

Our Indiana inpatient alcohol rehab program offers a highly structured and supportive environment to help individuals overcome their addiction to alcohol.

Here’s an overview of what you can expect from a residential program for alcohol addiction:

  • Assessment and Detoxification:
    • Upon admission, individuals are typically assessed to determine the severity of their alcohol addiction and any co-occurring mental health issues.
    • If needed, a medically supervised detoxification process may be initiated to safely manage withdrawal symptoms.
  • Individualized Treatment Plans:
    • Treatment plans are tailored to each individual’s specific needs, considering factors such as the duration and severity of alcohol use, medical history, and personal goals.
  • Therapy and Counseling:
    • Residential programs offer a variety of therapeutic interventions, including individual counseling, group therapy, and family therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical-behavior therapy (DBT), and motivational interviewing are often utilized to address underlying issues and triggers for alcohol use.
  • Medical and Psychiatric Support:
    • Medical professionals and psychiatric staff are available to address physical and mental health concerns. Medications may be prescribed to manage withdrawal symptoms, cravings, or co-occurring mental health disorders.
  • Structured Daily Activities:
    • Residents typically follow a structured daily schedule that includes therapy sessions, educational classes, recreational activities, and support group meetings. This structured routine helps individuals develop healthy habits and coping skills.
  • Peer Support:
    • Interactions with fellow residents who are facing similar challenges can provide valuable support and a sense of community. Peer support groups often play a crucial role in the recovery process.
  • Education and Skill-Building:
    • Educational sessions may cover topics such as the science of addiction, relapse prevention, and life skills training. Learning how to manage stress, handle triggers, and make healthy lifestyle choices is an integral part of recovery.
  • Aftercare Planning:
    • Residential programs typically include aftercare planning to ensure individuals have a support network and resources in place upon leaving the facility. This may involve outpatient treatment, 12-step meetings, and ongoing therapy.
  • Length of Stay:
    • The length of stay in a residential program can vary but often ranges from 28 to 90 days or more, depending on individual needs and insurance coverage.
  • Family Involvement:
    • Many programs involve family members in the treatment process through family therapy and education to improve family dynamics and support the individual’s recovery.
Residential Program for Dual Diagnosis

Residential programs for individuals with a dual diagnosis, often referred to as co-occurring disorders, are specialized treatment facilities that offer comprehensive care for people struggling with both substance use disorders and mental health disorders.

Our Residential Program for Dual Diagnosis Program recognizes the complex interplay between addiction and mental health issues and provides integrated treatment to address both conditions simultaneously.

For clients suffering from a dual diagnosis, addressing mental health issues such as anxiety or depression is a vital part of the healing process. Without exploring the underlying factors contributing to addiction, it’s impossible to build a solid foundation for sobriety.

What is the Goal of Residential Treatment?

The goal of residential treatment is to provide a space free of distractions that allows the client to focus solely on managing withdrawal symptoms and developing the skills necessary to handle cravings, stressful situations, and triggers that could increase the risk of relapse.

Programming includes individual and group therapy as well as participation in 12-step groups and family programming. Various holistic treatments are also used to promote healing of the mind, body, and spirit.

We Accept Most Insurance

Many insurance companies provide coverage for most or all of treatment at Wooded Glen Recovery Center. For the uninsured, we offer competitive self-pay rates to provide affordable treatment.