A World Full of Worries

There are plenty of things in today’s world that can lead to feelings of anxiety. You could think of them as concentric circles flowing outward from a common center—and that center is you.

You have things to be anxious about in your own life. A boss who is hard to get along with. A car with a mysterious rattling sound it never makes when you take it to the mechanic. A big bill coming due that you are going to have to really stretch to pay.

You have things to be anxious about in your family’s life. A spouse who has lost a job. Aging parents with health issues. A kid who is struggling in school.

You have things to be anxious about in your community, in your state, in the nation as a whole, and across the globe. Heck, you might even feel anxious about what all those rovers might discover up on Mars—a whole galaxy of anxiety!

On top of all of that, you might also be suffering from an anxiety or panic disorder—a mental health disorder that causes you to feel anxiety or a sense of panic out of proportion to a given situation or without any direct cause at all.

It is enough to make you anxious about all the things that might make you anxious.

And here’s one more thing to worry about: Anxiety can undermine your sobriety.

Anxiety & Substance Use Disorders

Anxiety can be extremely difficult to cope with, especially when issues and problems seem to be continually stacking up all around you. If a person turns to drugs or alcohol to try to lessen the feelings of anxiety, they may soon find themselves with a substance use disorder.

Going to treatment to get sober is, of course, essential, but it is equally important to address anxiety issues as well. Otherwise, those feelings of worry and panic will chip away at your resolve—and could ultimately cost you your hard-won sobriety. Finding effective strategies to deal with anxiety is an important part of addiction recovery.

Here are some examples of strategies that might prove useful to you.

Overcome Anxiety With These Tips

First and foremost, it is important to seek treatment for any mental health disorder—including panic and anxiety disorders—in order to give yourself the best chance of maintaining your sobriety over time. This will likely involve therapy and may involve medication if you and a medical professional are confident that you can take anti-anxiety meds without risking a relapse.

But there are other things you can do as well.

For example, paying attention to physical health is good for your mental health, too. So, eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are all helpful ways to shore up your mental health and perhaps lessen your feelings of anxiety.

Practicing mindfulness, taking up yoga, listening to calming music, and keeping a gratitude journal are also great strategies for limiting the impact of anxiety on your day to day life.

You can also lessen anxious feelings by decluttering, limiting social media usage, and building healthy relationships with family and friends.

Doing some or all of these things will not mean you won’t ever feel anxious again. But each of these suggestions can help you get a better handle on anxiety and make it less likely that those feelings of worry and panic will lead you—or lead you back—to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism.

Do Not Worry—We Are Here to Help

If you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, you may be experiencing feelings of anxiety around the idea of getting help. You might be worried that you will be harshly judged or that you will be terribly uncomfortable in a therapeutic setting. Or you might be worried that going through detox and rehab simply won’t work and you’ll be no better off than you are now. You might be worried that it is simply too late for you ever regain your sobriety.

Those worries are understandable. But we have good news: Getting treatment for a substance use disorder—and any co-occurring mental health disorders—is an effective way to regain your sobriety and to prepare yourself to face the challenges of the recovery journey. And we offer compassionate, evidence-based, personalized services at Wooded Glen Recovery Center to help you reclaim and maintain your sobriety and start the recovery journey with confidence.

And while a relapse is certainly a possibility, we can help you start again in an environment free from judgment. A relapse is a setback, but it is not the end of your sobriety story.

Every single one of us could use fewer things to worry about, and that is why we are proud to provide our expertise and experience to anyone who needs help. You can trust Wooded Glen Recovery Center to help you overcome substance use and mental health disorders so you can reclaim your life.

Are you or someone you know looking for Indiana addiction treatment centers? For more information about Wooded Glen Recovery Center, contact us at (888) 351-0650.