If you are in recovery from a substance use disorder, you are probably pretty careful about avoiding obvious triggers and situations that put your sober lifestyle at risk.

For example, if your substance use disorder centered on alcohol, you probably make a point to stay out of bars. If you know that certain memories seem to lead to cravings, you probably make a point to minimize the amount of time you spend thinking about those things, with the help of therapy, mindfulness practice, or other strategies. If you notice that when you have something sugary to eat or drink, you find yourself thinking about drugs or alcohol, you probably make a point to minimize the amount of sugar you consume.

But it is not always the obvious things that put a person’s sobriety at risk. Sometimes situations that seem to have absolutely nothing to do with your history of drug or alcohol use can become problematic if they are not addressed in positive ways. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

The Danger of Burnout If You Are Sober

There is, of course, nothing wrong with working hard—especially if you enjoy your job and feel that your efforts are appreciated and worthwhile. But sometimes a job—even a job you like—can become a slog. Maybe there’s too much work to do and not enough staff to do it all. Maybe a disagreement with a coworker or supervisor starts to fester and cause problems. Maybe it feels like you can never take a break from the long hours or extra shifts.

Whatever the situation might be, work starts to wear on you. You are in danger of becoming burned out—and that puts your sobriety at risk.

When you are overly fatigued, stressed, and undermotivated, it can be tempting to turn to drugs or alcohol in an effort to alleviate those feelings. So, it is important to take steps to lessen the likelihood that you will experience burnout.

That may involve setting boundaries and priorities, so you aren’t overwhelmed with projects. It may mean having a tough but necessary conversation to clear the air with your supervisor or coworkers. It may mean scheduling breaks into your day, heading home at the end of the day rather than putting in extra hours, protecting your weekends, and taking advantage of vacation time. Different work situations will require different solutions but finding ways to stave off burnout is essential for your ongoing recovery.

We should also note that work can become a substitute addiction, which is also a danger to your sobriety.

The Danger of Boredom

Admittedly, after our discussion of burnout, the idea of having nothing much to do might seem pretty appealing. Still, it is important to remember that boredom can also be a threat to your sobriety. After all, when nothing much seems interesting or fun, drugs or alcohol can start to seem like an antidote to feelings of boredom.

That is why it is important to stay engaged with activities you enjoy. As long as it does not involve drugs or alcohol, most any activity will do. You could start bowling (though you’ll want to avoid anything that describes itself as a “beer league”), take up a musical instrument (maybe your high school instrument is still your closet!), or volunteer for a cause that is important to you (as a bonus, giving back is known to support your sobriety).

The key is to have a range of things you like to do that can help you keep boredom at bay, especially if you are sober.

The Danger of Bad Influences

You may have already ended any toxic relationships that might have contributed to the development of your substance use disorder—and that’s all to the good. But there are still ways to find yourself influenced in negative ways that threaten your sobriety.

Whether it is a well-meaning neighbor who invites you to an alcohol-soaked tailgating party or a coworker who can’t help sharing tales of their drug-fueled adventures or even a television show, movie, or song that glorifies drugs and alcohol, negative influences are all too common.

Having a plan for leaving or avoiding tricky situations can help you brush off potential problems. And if the problem is some piece of pop culture, you always have the option to make a different entertainment choice.

Let’s Get Your Sober Recovery Journey Underway

The time to get help for a substance use disorder is right now so you can get sober. At Wooded Glen Recovery Center in Indiana, we can help you get sober and then give you the tools, strategies, and support that can help you stay sober. We can also address any co-occurring mental health disorders that may be intertwined with your substance use disorder.

We know it can be hard to ask for help. We are committed to personalized, compassionate care that offers help and hope—not judgment.

Looking for an Indiana alcohol addiction treatment center? For more information about Wooded Glen Recovery Center, contact us at (888) 351-0650.