Emotions that Can Upend Recovery

Emotions that Can Upend Recovery

Anger and Sadness: Emotions that Can Upend Recovery (and Could Indicate a Mental Health Disorder) Have you ever stopped to think about the ways in which your emotions affect your behavior?  Often, especially given how full our schedules tend to be, we think about our...
The Harm in Harm Reduction Programs

The Harm in Harm Reduction Programs

The idea of “harm reduction” is an appealing one. After all, who wouldn’t want to reduce harm anytime such a thing is possible? Ideally, of course, we would like to avoid harm entirely, but reduced harm is preferable to more harm, right? Absolutely. But are there...
What are Substitute Addictions?

What are Substitute Addictions?

The Subject Is Substitute Addictions—What They Are and What to Do About Them Sometimes a substitution can be a good thing. Maybe your coach notices that you are breathing hard and puts in a sub to give you a break. Maybe you don’t like mayo on your sandwich so you ask...