You have likely been in a situation in which someone—maybe it was you—was telling a story that seemed to fall flat. We have all had the experience at one time or another. People did not laugh at the parts you thought were funny, or they were not outraged by the things you found outrageous, or they just seemed confused about the whole story and unsure of its point.

It is at just such a time that you are most likely to utter the phrase, “I guess you had to be there.”

Those who have served in the military and have returned to civilian life frequently feel that people who did not experience what they experienced cannot truly understand what they went through and what they are going through now.

That sense of “I guess you had to be there” can cause Vets to put off getting treatment for a mental health disorder or lead them to try to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol—which in turn can lead to the development of a substance use disorder. When Veterans feel isolated and misunderstood, mental health and substance use issues can have devastating results.

Fortunately, help is available via a program designed specifically for Veterans. It is called Tactical Recovery, and we proudly offer it at Wooded Glen Recovery Center.

What is the Tactical Recovery Program?

The Tactical Recovery program was created in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs Community Care Network and Psych Armor to serve Veterans struggling with a substance use disorder and/or mental health disorders. The program provides medically supervised detoxification—which allows individuals to reclaim their sobriety in a safe environment free from temptations—for those who need it and residential treatment services to Veterans of the military.

Structure—one of the things many Vets miss from their military days—is at the heart of the program. In the residential treatment program, each day is fully scheduled and designed to make the best possible use of the time available. Each day includes intensive intervention as well as education, encouragement, and empowerment to ensure Veterans have the strategies and support they need to maintain their sobriety and to continue seeing improvements in their mental health.

Our approach to care involves an entire range of services and treatment modalities, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), experiential therapy, the Seeking Safety approach to treating trauma-based disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and family therapy
  • Motivational interviewing with a focus on 12-Step programming as well as connections to SMART Recovery
  • Education around life and communication skills as well as psychological education
  • Veteran-specific small groups twice weekly, daily process groups, mindfulness groups, and a range of exercise and wellness activities including yoga, meditation, and other holistic therapies 
  • Psychiatric services including medication management
  • Collaborative discharge planning with VA (or command, if applicable)
  • Ongoing access to the Tactical Recovery Alumni app to provide support and help graduates stay connected 

The Importance of Not Trying to Go It Alone

The military has a built-in support system for those who serve. Each individual knows that those they are serving with have their backs in any and all situations.

After leaving the service, however, it can feel like that entire support system has simply vanished. Many Vets feel they should be able to handle their problems on their own because the military requires toughness and resolve. 

But toughness and resolve are just part of the military equation. Teamwork is another essential aspect of military service. No one has to go it alone.

That is true in civilian life as well. The Tactical Recovery program is a game-changer for Veterans who need help, and it is delivered by a team of highly trained, empathetic, and experienced individuals who are committed to the well-being of Veterans.

The first step, however, is yours to take. If you are a Veteran who is struggling with drugs or alcohol or who is dealing with the symptoms of a mental health disorder—or both—it is up to you to reach out for the help you need. Doing so can be truly life changing.

We Are Here For You Now

It is only natural that Veterans might feel as though few people can really understand their life experiences. Still, when it comes to substance use and mental health disorders, Veterans need to feel confident in the care they seek out. 

At Wooded Glen Recovery Center—located in Henryville, Indiana—we are proud to serve those who have served our country with a program designed just for them. Just as Veterans did their very best day in and day out to serve our country, we do our very best day in and day out to ensure that Vets who are struggling get the help they need and deserve.