
There are an awful lot of things you can’t do right now in the midst of the COVID-19 public health emergency. You can’t meet your friends for a relaxing dinner at your favorite restaurant. You can’t go to the bowling alley or to the bookstore or to the barbershop or beauty parlor. You can’t take your kids to school or to the playground. The list goes on and on.

But there is something extremely important that you can do right now.

You can get treatment for a substance use disorder at a residential facility like Wooded Glen Recovery Center. Addiction treatment centers like Wooded Glen are—quite rightly—considered essential during this emergency. That means the help you need is available now.

Keeping You Safe in Detox and Rehab

We understand that you may be hesitant about seeking treatment at this particular time. But everyone at Wooded Glen Recovery Center is committed to minimizing the risk of infection at our facility. We are achieving that goal in a number of different ways.

First, we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation with great care, ensuring that we have access to the best and most timely information, resources, and recommendations.

That translates to some specific actions within the facility itself. For example, we have reviewed essential medical and hygiene protocols with all members of our staff. We are cleaning and sanitizing shared areas with diligence and ensuring that frequent handwashing is part of our ongoing practice—for clients and staff alike.

We are also screening everyone who is admitted for treatment at Wooded Glen Recovery Center to avoid introducing illness to the facility. In addition, we are keeping in close contact with the family members of clients so that we will know immediately if anyone in the family becomes ill. If that were to happen, we are prepared to closely monitor a client’s health for signs of illness. For the time being, we have suspended in-person visitation to protect everyone’s health.

There Is a Reason We Are Called ‘Essential’

We understand that you may be tempted to put off treatment given the challenges of the current moment. But we would urge you not to do so.

The reason addiction treatment facilities like Wooded Glen are deemed essential is simple. It is because treatment for substance use disorders is, in fact, essential.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, the time to get treatment is right now.

Indeed, it is always the right moment to get the help you need, but under the current circumstances, it may be particularly important to act sooner rather than later. Because we are isolated from one another, it is likely that feelings of anxiety and depression are on the rise. Because our jobs are disrupted, it is likely that concerns about financial stability are on the rise. And because we are struggling with boredom and restlessness, it is likely the urge to turn to drugs or alcohol is on the rise.

All of these factors can lead to troubling consequences. Perhaps you are in danger of going through a difficult withdrawal period because you currently do not have access to alcohol or drugs. Or you may be at a higher risk for overdose as you ingest more substances in an effort to battle negative emotions or to overcome the tolerance you have built up over time. Put simply, there is very little chance that a substance use disorder will improve rather than worsen during the COVID-19 crisis. Little chance, that is, unless you go through detox and rehab and on the road toward long term sobriety.

Your Safety and Your Sobriety Are Our Priorities at Wooded Glen

As we have noted, we understand that you may be considering delaying addiction treatment until the COVID-19 public health emergency comes to an end. We would strongly encourage you to reconsider. At Wooded Glen Recovery Center, we are doing everything possible to keep clients and staff safe while continuing to provide personalized, compassionate care. A substance use disorder simply will not wait for a more convenient time to upend your life—so you should address the problem now. We are here to help.

For more information about Wooded Glen Recovery Center, residential addiction treatment in Indiana, contact us at (888) 351-0650. We are ready to help.